Are Printable Labor Law Posters Legally Compliant?


Every business that employs at least one person other than the owner is legally required to display posters explaining the current federal and state labor laws. This is important because if you are ever audited or an employee ever files a complaint against you, you could face a hefty fine if it is discovered that you have not been displaying the posters properly. For this reason, you want to be sure that your posters are all compliant with the most recent labor laws.

Printable Labor Law Posters

Printable labor law posters are legally compliant if you follow certain procedures. They must come from a federal or state agency website, or a source that is approved by the federal and state government. Additionally, some posters, like the Occupational Health and Safety Act posters, are required to be displayed at a specific size, so you may not be able to re-size posters in order to print them easily from your printer. You may have to print multiple versions of each poster if your work force is made up of multilingual workers, or if you live in a state where multilingual posters are mandatory. Finally, choosing to use printable labor law posters means that you will be responsible for ensuring that you are displaying the most recent compliant versions of each poster.

A Better Way

If you don’t want to have to worry about the compliance of your posters, the best idea is to purchase them from a reputable company such as Labor Law Center. When you choose to buy your posters, you get three very important benefits:

  1. The labor law posters you buy will be the most recently compliant versions there are.
  2. Purchasing a service package means that the company will send you the latest posters any time there is a change in the labor laws.
  3. The posters are guaranteed against audits and legal action, so if they are found to be non-compliant, the company you purchased them from would be responsible for the fines.

These posters will be the proper size according to the law, and will come laminated so that you don’t have to keep replacing torn or stained posters. Many of them also come in both English and Spanish, which saves you the trouble of looking up the laws for language requirements in your state and for your business.

While printable labor law posters are indeed legally compliant, there are many reasons why you may not wish to use this option. If you do choose this route, you will need to visit the United States Department of Labor to download and print the federal labor law posters, and visit your own state’s Department of Labor website to download state posters. Each site should have a comprehensive list of the posters that you need to be sure you are in compliance with the law. You will also have to be sure that you consistently check for updates to the laws so that you are always displaying the most recent version of the required labor law posters.

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